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GeoTrack Parallel Driving Systems

GeoMeter company offers its own developments in the field of precision farming: parallel driving systems (course indicators) under the brand name GeoTrack. These are easy to use devices with a large touch display that is clearly visible even on a bright, sunny day. The settings are controlled by touching the screen. The strong housing is made according to industrial standards and has special protection against dust and moisture ingress.

A feature of geotrack parallel driving systems is the company's approach to the quality and relevance of products. Since December 2022, the company has updated its most popular GM SMART receiver with a new 8th generation chip. It is now a GNSS RTK receiver with upgradeable to a professional dual frequency L1, L2 receiver. This makes it possible to connect to any RTK corrections network and work with an accuracy of up to 2.5 cm. Previously, this option was available only to expensive foreign brands. GeoMeter is the first company in Ukraine that creates products of international quality.

Agricultural guidance system geotrack lite
Agricultural guidance system geotrack lite
29 500 грн
Parallel driving system GeoTrack Explorer PLUS
Parallel driving system GeoTrack Explorer PLUS
49 000 грн
Geotrack App with GNSS receiver GM SMART (tractor GPS navigation, agricultural guidance, parallel driving)
Geotrack App with GNSS receiver GM SMART (tractor GPS navigation, agricultural guidance, parallel driving)
30 345 грн
24 926 грн
Agricultural guidance system geotrack GM SPIKE with 8 inches display
Agricultural guidance system geotrack GM SPIKE with 8 inches display
20 775 грн
FJ Dynamics Autosteering kit for tractor, sprayer
FJ Dynamics Autosteering kit for tractor, sprayer
294 780 грн
238 425 грн
Explorer PLUS (Display only)
Explorer PLUS (Display only)
41 183 грн
28 178 грн
Agricultural guidance system geotrack explorer PLUS RTK
Agricultural guidance system geotrack explorer PLUS RTK
56 800 грн
Geotrack App with GM Spike receiver (tractor GPS navigation, agricultural guidance, parallel driving)
Geotrack App with GM Spike receiver (tractor GPS navigation, agricultural guidance, parallel driving)
16 473 грн
Система параллельного вождения ГеоТрек Эксплорер PLUS GM SMART, 10 Гц
Система параллельного вождения ГеоТрек Эксплорер PLUS GM SMART, 10 Гц
55 000 грн
Кабель питания до GNSS/RTK премника GM SMART, 4,5 м
Кабель питания до GNSS/RTK премника GM SMART, 4,5 м
492 грн
Агронавигатор geotrack lite GM PRO
Агронавигатор geotrack lite GM PRO
37 000 грн
Агронавігатор ГеоТрек Експлорер NEW GM Spike (система паралельного водіння, курсовказівник) new.png
Агронавігатор ГеоТрек Експлорер NEW GM Spike (система паралельного водіння, курсовказівник)
42 917 грн
Блок живлення в прикурювач для курсовказівника ГеоТрек
Блок живлення в прикурювач для курсовказівника ГеоТрек
780 грн
Універсальний Micro USB OTG кабель
Універсальний Micro USB OTG кабель
180 грн
Універсальний кабель для ГеоТрек Експлорер
Універсальний кабель для ГеоТрек Експлорер
180 грн

The use of parallel driving systems in agriculture has led to the introduction of the term "precision farming." Navigation, even when using wide-grasp technology, provides high accuracy and efficiency of work, makes it possible to work in conditions of poor visibility.

GeoTrack is an original product that was developed jointly with foreign specialists.
The main difference between GeoTrack and other national manufacturers is that all GeoTrack displays have an increased degree of protection against dust and moisture ingress, are resistant to falls and shocks. For embedded software, it is easy and easy to use.

GeoTrack is a licensed product, purchasing which you get genuine software that fully meets the stated accuracy and capabilities, and you protect yourself from counterfeiting.
In terms of functionality, GeoTrack has no analogues.