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Grain analyzers


Gluten strain gauges are devices designed to determine the gluten quality group of wheat grain and wheat flour based on their ability to withstand a deforming load of a standardized value (standardized method).

Infrared (IR) grain analyzers are laboratory devices that are used for prompt and accurate analysis of many indicators in grain, leguminous, oil crops, as well as other products.

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Измеритель деформации клейковины ВДК-М
230 000 грн
Електронний термометр для ґрунту 1 м
Електронний термометр для ґрунту 1 м
13 000 грн

The basis of the work of IR analyzers is the measurement of the passage or diffuse reflection of light in the infrared region of the spectrum.

The advantage of infrared analyzers over other methods of analysis is the absence of the need for special chemical preparation of samples (for some models it is only necessary to grind the sample to a homogeneous state) and the high speed of determining the necessary parameters (within a few minutes).